On weekends you cannot help but notice them around Brisbane. Greencabs are quite a feature around Southbank and the city on weekends, and even during the week now. The Brisbane Times reports that the business has been a success since launching in 2009. Greencabs now run 12 pedicabs on weekends and they now have their own marked cab-ranks near the Treasury Casino and at the top of the Mall.
Pedicabs are popping up worldwide as people embrace 'green' transport and realise that, for short trips, a bicycle delivers competitive journey times. The manufacturer, Main Street Pedicabs, has a blog that gives an idea of how widely pedicabs and bicycle culture have spread in the USA. There are a couple of other pedicab setups in Australia that came up in a Google search - Cairns and Sydney . The international Bicycle Fund has a directory of pedicab and rickshaw companies.

Interesting piece of article, Really meaningful. I appreciate your work. Thanks for sharing the information..!
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