Thursday, September 16, 2010

Australian vision for Active Transport

A partnership of five groups from the health, transport and local government sector have launched a policy framework for supporting Active transport. The five groups are: The Australian Local Government Association, Bus Industry Confederation, Cycling Promotion Fund, the National Heart Foundation of Australia and the International Association of Public Transport.

The policy framework sets out a 9-point plan for supporting an increase in walkning, cycling and public transport. These are:

  1. Develop an integrated national active transport strategy that embraces policy and planning for the major components: walking; cycling; and public transport.
  2. Develop clear and realistic targets for activetransport and physical activity outcomes.
  3. Provide local government authorities with substantial, sustained and targeted funding for active transport.
  4. Support the development and widespread application of Healthy Spaces and Places planning principles.
  5. Encourage active domestic tourism by funding major regional projects such as rail trails, cycleroutes and hiking tracks.
  6. Promote a safe environment for people who choose to walk, cycle or take public transport and review jurisdictional approaches to the legislative protection of vulnerable road users.
  7. Fund social marketing programs to promote the many benefits of walking and cycling for people of all ages.
  8. Support cycle training and pedestrian education in schools.
  9. Provide incentives for employers to encourage employees to walk, cycle or take public transport to work.
The details of the policy framework can be found here.

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